

I interrupt my weekly blog, with these encouraging words from my daughter’s Facebook post. This definitely took away any Weary by Wednesday feelings I might have. I hope it does for you too.
“At least one person reading this is feeling less than, so let me be the one to say it: Your value isn’t based on what you achieve, accomplish or attain. 
You are valuable and worthy because of who you are. 
You have been given gifts and talents like no other.
You fill a hole in this world that not another fits. 
You are not defined by your flaws or faults or missteps, but by the grace and courage to continue to press forward knowing that it is the combination of strengths and weaknesses that makes us unique, makes us possible.
Take a deep breath. Say out loud, “I love you, (insert your name) – all of you.” There is a strength and confidence inside of you, and we unleash it when we wholeheartedly embrace ourselves and the accept ourselves for who we are, where we are.
You’ve got what it takes. <3″
Thank you, Jennette Holzworth, for these encouraging words.
Thanks for sharing your Wednesday with me, you got what it takes, have a great week!